The Drama Program realizes Lark Musical Society’s longtime goal of developing a theatrical wing – to educate in stage performance with the goal of producing plays featuring Lark students. This program expands Lark’s Arts education to introduce youth in the diaspora to the magnificent legacy of plays and fairy tales, rich with colorful characters, in the Armenian language.
Armenian theater has a millenary history of rich works and powerful, unforgettable actors. Today, more than ever, theater is indispensable to cultural expression. It is a cradle for self-awareness and self-evolution – a place where actors directly transmit the fire in their soul, the wash of their emotion, the flutter of their heart, to an audience seeking communion through story.
The program is open to all interested students age 7 and up, contingent on an audition held by the program instructor. Selected students will be invited to join rehearsals held on the Lark Campus twice-weekly, in preparation for an upcoming performance.
Participants will discover the beautiful world of theatrical expression – they will delve into the secrets of stage craft, have the opportunity to create memorable characters, engage in skillful play, and commune with audiences in the challenging and exciting realm of live performance.